The client set 1 month to create an animation dedicated to the November 11 sale. It was necessary to develop a video from scratch including characters, locations, and the idea of animation itself. It was tough, but I did it! :)))

Alluring charm, brilliant intellect, elegance of form, smooth lines, exquisite style, refinement embodiment, so tempting, seducing…just like a girlfriend of your dreams, but easier to handle.

It’s really cool when you’re creating an animation for a product that you really like and want to try it yourself. The HydroFlyer electronic surfboard is just such a product! I was pleased to help the guys from this company present their product differently!

It’s my tradition to create New Year’s greeting animation videos for various companies! GMS, thank you for this wonderful result!

If you are a fan of winter sports and not a fan of injuries, then this is the thing for you! 🙂 I have created a cool animation for the new McKinley helmet.

Dedicated to all wine lovers … our new animation for Plum automatic wine appliance.

Who doesn’t like challenges and experiments? Venin studio definitely does! That’s why we took a challenge and created an experimental and extraordinary video on very sensitive topic. That was fun. Check it out, you will like it! 🙂

If you are going to renovate somehow your interior maybe this video will help you with it 🙂 Please watch our new Acumen furniture animation created for Pineapple company.

What do you know about monkeys? Darwin said that we all evolve from them. And all our skills – are the instinctive skills of monkeys. But we went further, evolve and became smarter. How about Chinese? Do you know Chinese? Do you want to say that there is something a monkey is even better than you? Okay, don’t worry, there’s still a chance – they don’t mind to give some lessons.
Watch our new animations for JTC company! 🙂

When you are like butterfly flying over the self confidence and serenity field, the cloud of misunderstanding and rejection can wet your wings…Shall we play?

We create a story. It’s more than just a video. We create unique characters and bring them to life. They are telling your story, the way you see it, the way you like it. Why don’t we expand it into serial? We have endless possibilities! You remember, right?

Dark night, abandoned warehouse, rain sprinkle into your face, smuggling, corrupt cops, drugs, immigrants, weapons, gunfights, rivers of blood, the smell of gunpowder on your coat, stress, did not call your mom for a long time, sleepless nights, deadlines, demanding customers, animated videos … do you think it’s easy to be a superhero? Venin — we help to explain.

Animated video serves as explanation tool and is very useful for product demonstration purposes. Explanation medical 3D video is the best way to show how a medication operates and functions. Medical 3D animation videos can also help patients gain a better understanding of their treatment options.

In this demonstration animation we show how a helicopter drone can automatically find such problems as dangerous trees and vegetation, clearances and collisions, illegal structures and activities, asset condition. As an inspection object we use power lines.

They are treading. When you don`t expect this. During sunny day or rainy night. When you are preparing coffee, playing with your dog or creating animation. They are ruthless and fearless. It can happen to anyone. There is too much at stake. You can’t survive alone …
Do you remeber that projects you were working on days and nights long during few months? Then your computer burned out together with project and your mental health? How many times has your girlfriend tore her or your hair (most probably your), because such a pressious pictures from Bali jungles, Maldives beaches, Dubai dessert or selfies with her cat have been gone? Don`t want to risk your health and relationship any more? Brace yourself! We have a life jacket for your! Do not thank.

Have you been thinking that high IQ-level – is the key to success and wellbeing? Well, who would have thought that all of us were so wrong…These guys are sharing a true sensational secret! Watch it and learn!

The idents was created for a New Year period for “2+2” TV channel (Kiev, Ukraine). It was confirmed and showed on the air.

We created cartoon commercials for two kinds of beer. The main idea was that everything should be unexpected and fun and should look like a cartoon for adults, not for children.
Our team enjoyed the whole procees as well as the result.

This is the first cartoon in LOVE&MONSTERS series. I have fully developed all characters, scenario and created the cartoon. It was shown in Gobelins University, Paris (during Summer School Program). Also the cartoon was recognized as one of the best on “The Next Big Thing” competition, Kiev.

The carton was created for the final of “The Next Big Thing” competition. It is the second cartoon in LOVE&MONSTERS series. I have fully created the cartoon starting from scenario development to implementation. The cartoon was in the best 5 videos by jury`s choice.